American Red Cross
Blood Donation ‘24

When blood donations are at an all-time low, nothing moves people to donate like emotional and unforgettable storytelling.
Director: Charlotte Wells
Production: MJZ

Every two seconds someone needs blood to survive a range of life-threatening situations including complicated childbirths, accidents, cancer recovery, and emergency surgeries. Yet, only 3% of Americans donate blood. To make matters worse, the American Red Cross recently announced that it is experiencing the lowest number of blood donations in the last 20 years. To urge people to donate, we created two PSA films; “What’s Your Type?” and “Growing Up”.
“Growing Up” targets the Hispanics, who have a higher rate of birth complications. The film tells an emotional story of a mother and her son in two different timelines. The timelines intertwine and leave the ending open-ended to remind the viewer that only they can give this mother a happier ending by donating blood.

With “What’s Your Type?” we wanted to create something relatable, so we started with a conversation around types. If you ask someone what their type is, they’ll likely have an answer, but very rarely is that answer about their blood type. So we reframed the “type” conversation to encourage people to be the “type” to save lives.

“The humanitarian network's impactful campaign aims to address the worrying problem of falling blood donation rates in the US” 


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